Hello, Lovely!

I will JOOSH up your look with Passionate Colour!


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Week of Kindness and Gratitude Giveaway & Summit

June 25th, 2022 @ 2:00 PM PDT.

about the event.


About the Week of Kindness and Gratitude Summit

Hello, lovelies; ladies and gentlemen! I'm delighted to be speaking at The Week of Kindness and Gratitude Gift Giveaway and Summit! This event brings together brilliant Keynote Speakers and over 80 experts, authors, healers, and coaches worldwide to share their experiences and resources from June 19th - 25th, 2022.

Colours express emotion, convey meaning, and bring life to everything we do. At this Summit, I will guide you through enhancing your zoom room by ‘JOOSHING’ up your look with Passionate Colour. Purposefully using colours and design strengthens your presence and aligns your environment with your goals. I so look forward to sharing more kindness and gratitude in our lives.


Lyn Temperley | President @ Coloré Design